Weekly Music Indulgence

We Are the Few by Streetlight Manifesto

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Journal Notes, Chapter 5 : pages 102-107

Photos reveal our true self or a "photo fiction."

  • The art of photography grew to replace the art of painting and eventually became more commonplace and affordable than painting.
  • Gaspard-Felix Tournachon 
    • Began shooting in France in 1853
    • First great portrait photographer
      • used soft-lighting
      • and plain, dark backgrounds
    • took formal eloquent photos of artists, writers and actors of the time.
    • "speaking likeness"
      • was able to capture subjects' personalities on film.
  • August Sander
    • Began shooting in Germany in 1892
    • Took the first environmental portraits
      • Shot subjects in daily life and work settings
    • Created a documentary of the German people from 1892-1954
  • Creation of Portraits
    • Value
      • Range of Light & Dark areas in a photo
        • Lightest and Darkest areas attract attention & help move eyes throughout an image.
    • Location of Light Source
      • Advantage of light values, highlights & shadows of your subject
      • textures & shapes become more/less visible as values change.
    • Emotional Content
      • Shadowed areas = darker/melancholy mood
      • Brightly lit areas = upbeat/positive feeling

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